Monday, April 18, 2011

The Game Of Present And Past Life Adventures

Excerpted from the book: A View Beyond the Stars, on Amazon and Lulu

Life, however you consider it on the scale of the lowest level of bacteria, all the way up to that of our concept of God, is playing The Game. The Game is that of challenge against known and unknown conditions, which set up opposition to the goals of each of the players.

Those players with similar goals (let’s say the positive team) form alliances with others to better their chances of winning in the face of equal opposition from other players (let’s call them the negative team). Some of the conditions and rules in The Game of Life are obvious. Many are not.
A good example is that of unseen and unknown obsessive compulsions which are considered to arise from the mind; which influence emotions and therefore actions of people pushing them toward unpredictable plus or minus polarity as players in The Game. These are considered to be mental deviation and can swing wildly from the actions of the criminally insane, to those of a woman who tends to be anorexic, or a man who might be an alcoholic.

These compulsions can actually derive from past-suppressed undesirable experiences, which bubble to the surface in present life causing physical unwanted reactions, and less from any real malfunction of the mechanism of the mind.

When you consider the mind’s primary function should be to assist an individual in navigating the best survival course in life, it would necessarily need to be operating properly without damage to its delicate mechanism. Among other things it stores and organizes an unbroken, time-synced record of an individual’s entire existence in order to draw on the accumulation of that experience to solve problems related to a human being’s best course for survival in the face of present environment circumstances. It does so by making instant associations of the current environment, accessed by the body’s sensory organs, with those of any similar moments from the past.

The present experience and the decisions made in the past that aided one’s survival from other similar recorded moments, are quickly compared and new conclusions drawn that cause one to react in the direction of the greatest potential for a new winning solution.

In order for the mind to properly organize and call up needed data for problem solving, that information must remain intact and in sequence according to time and therefore context. In essence, we have a full motion film record, complete with all manner of available sensory data, of our existence up to the present. But more than just a linear sort of memory tape, the mind actually builds a three dimensional model of the world as we have known it.

The myriad individual experiences, whether they be in reference to material objects or conceptual, even purely imaginary contemplations, are all carefully modeled together and stored away chronologically for future use. If the time-sync remains intact, the data is normally readily available when needed, along with all our past conclusions about it, so that we can build on our experience with the past to formulate the best solutions for our present and future.

But an injured or damaged mind can replay past memories of incidents compulsively out of time and therefore out of context, when confronted with stimuli in the present that triggers (frequently) unpleasant reenactment of incidents from the past.

The most dramatic examples of this are people in mental wards walking around who have lost their connection to reality; often totally oblivious to the present. They will also be found (in effect) living in the past somewhere, repeating gestures, talking to themselves (or to a person no longer existing in the present) sometimes incessantly repeating simple daily chores, stuck in time - out of sync with the rest of the world.

If you want to appear crazy, just try walking around naked in public sucking a baby bottle or appear to be talking to somebody no one else can see. It is no secret to Psychiatry that psychotic behavior very often results from a person fighting old enemies, real or imagined, due to an overpowering emotional experience from an incident in the past.

The inability of the mind to return to the present, tracking with the current time stream, is much like a record player with the needle stuck in a groove repeatedly skipping back to replay a previous track. Repairing that ability to resynchronize to present time, in humans suffering mental derangement, and to be able to remain persistently there with confidence is no small goal of Psychiatry and Psychology practices. It would also go a long way toward rehabilitating many apparent “evil doers” who are merely acting out of sync with reality.

Often their actions appear very in-context to them and even appropriate given the circumstances they faced in the original incident they are reliving. In the present however, those actions might not only be out of place, but dangerous to themselves and others.

The mind’s apparent purpose, (as a piece of very efficient mental machinery) is that of an interface between Life and the organic vehicle (body) it controls. The mind uses the organic computer, or brain of the body, to connect and interact with the body’s (delicate and sophisticated) controls and sensory array, which in turn are manipulated by chemical (endocrine system) and electronic (nervous system) impulses.

The human body is a fascinating example of advanced bio-genetic engineering. But it is nevertheless a machine in some ways analogous to a modern automobile. And as such, no matter its complexity, it still requires a driver. The being is that driver and uses the mind to navigate the body through the obstacle course of an Earthly existence.

It’s not unlike the function of a steering wheel in your car really. You can perhaps understand then the irony in the phrase “you’re driving me crazy”? The driver can be under the influence of any manner of emotions and circumstances influencing the “driving skills”. But we only see the body being “driven” around interacting with other bodies.

When we are someday able to reorient any being stably to present, from the source of any time displacement from present reality, no matter how severe or far back in time the source, then we may truly begin to cure insanity. Coincidentally, an even more significant accomplishment will ultimately be the complete restoration of vast stores of knowledge and experience gained from countless Lifetimes, without the pain and emotional barriers that block out important experiential data indiscriminately.

Through various blunt psychological tools, e.g. hypnosis in past Life regression techniques, contact with past lives and restoration of attention locked up in past incidents of pain and trauma have been achieved with limited success. These techniques can also be harmful due to the dangers of post-hypnotic suggestion, which override the person’s awareness of present reality in an effort to condition them (mental rewiring) to change unwanted behavior (bad habits, eating disorders, etc.), or even in an attempt to control psychosis – thereby creating other unwanted side effects.

Better tools are needed to achieve improved and more stable results. But first we must understand what we’re really dealing with as a much broader spectrum of living experience in human beings than modern science has accounted for thus far.

All these “osis” phenomena may simply result from the being playing various roles through countless lives, building up psychic (therefore mental) scar tissue and experiential gaps over a considerable length of time. Much of it could be traced down to times they overwhelmed someone, or were overwhelmed by another, in various physical activities that led to their body being abused or killed off.

People get pretty attached to their bodies, no pun intended, and they don’t appreciate it being whacked by someone else. It’s very disturbing and makes you want to get even, or go into hiding next time, depending on your demeanor. In any case, bodies are one’s chosen identity and carefully accessorized over the course of a single Life. We invest in them, we try to keep them shiny and new and looking their best at all times so that others admire them and thus we are proud of them.

Humans want to be accepted into their group or tribe of choice and yet perceived as special. Think about people just looking at your body and sneering at it or making some verbal insult that causes you to come away feeling stupid or ugly – certainly unappreciated. It’s personal and it feels bad. It can ruin your day and for some, even their Life.

Consider driving your shiny new car off the showroom floor and getting “t-boned” and killed by some drunk driver at the intersection. Now an interesting philosophical question might be, which would you be most disturbed about losing, that gorgeous car or your body?

Now think about implications of your newly developed considerations you may carry with you into your next life about buying new cars (they just get wrecked), or drunks (they kill people and destroy good feelings about owning shiny new cars), spending your hard earned money on something new and shiny (they just don’t last so what’s the use?), or trying to earn enough money to buy the things you like (it just doesn’t work out so why try to make more money?).

You may be compelled to do something about it in your next life like some heroic quest, a crusade against alcoholism, designing more durable cars, or worst case, you succumb to alcohol addiction and become another drunk driver!

Now, relating this back to the example of actors on a stage, we choose a role in Life we want to play early on, taking with us now unconscious self-imposed limitations some might see as color to our personalities. But nevertheless these are merely mental baggage we decide we must drag along with us wherever we go. They become part of our reality.

We do this well before picking up a new body by observing other beings with bodies doing interesting things and having similar limitations we can relate to. In any case, when we decide on our part, or intended track in Life, we establish goals and purpose around an identity in order to gather more experience in the role and unwittingly accept our limitations.

Obviously a being would seek to draw on any earlier accumulated talents and experience to use as an advantage to playing a new role in life. It stands to reason that one should recognize and be true to this purpose they have chosen for their Life as well. Parents should take note of particular interests their children gravitate toward early on.

Beyond obvious cases of child prodigies and other examples of wunderkinds, who play violin, concert piano, or display other genius at an early age, they may just seem to be very passionate about certain things. These are clues to one’s chosen role in Life and should be encouraged. In fact discouragement of preferred Life’s goals might have very negative effects on a child’s further development in other ways.

In any case, beings start a new Life, put on their new costume and get up on stage with the lines they believe will cause the audience to swoon over their superior acting prowess. We crave the great sensation we get from pulling it all off with remarkable talent and persuasion and get the applause we need to keep persevering to the next curtain call.

We look for the spotlight and move to it as beings. We live to entertain, both ourselves and others. How well we do in that endless endeavor, lifetime after lifetime is the ultimate scorecard for us.

Excerpted from the book: A View Beyond the Stars, on Amazon, iTunes, Lulu and Barnes & Noble

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